Conveniently located near the Northeast Community Center, Westfall Village provides affordable 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. All 3 and 4 bedroom units have two baths and all two, three and four bedroom units have washer and dryer hookups. Other amenities include a community room, computer center, playgrounds, a basketball court and schools within walking distance.
Westfall Village was acquired and newly remodeled by Wilbur and Cook Affordable Portfolio LLLP in 2017, using Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and tax exempt bonds. This $17.6 million project will extend the affordability of the project for an additional 40 years. It was made possible thanks to the sponsors of the project, which include: the Spokane Housing Authority, equity investor Boston Capital and bond and construction financing provided by Banner Bank.
Tenancy is restricted to households with incomes at or below 60% of the Area Median Income. Rents are also restricted by LIHTC rent limits.